Have Fun. Get to Know Your Friends.

Play Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever, also known as I Have Never Ever, is a fun and easy party game based on life experience questions.

We have included the best never have I ever questions to make your party fun and keep the conversations flowing.


Try the Random "Never Have I Ever" Generator

With the Random Never Have I Ever Generator you can show a new random “Never Have I Ever” question with the push of a button.

Everyone can play with the random question generator. Try it now or at your next party.



Learn the Never Have I Ever Rules & How to Play


The rules for the “Never Have I Ever” party game are simple. Before you start, choose whether you want to play the drinking game version or a non-drinking, points-based version of the game. Whichever version you play, have fun, keep it light, and play responsibly.

Here's how to play each version:

Drinking Game

Players take turns making statements that start with the phrase "Never have I ever" followed by something they have never done, like "never have I ever danced on a table".

If someone in the group has done the activity mentioned, like dancing on a table, they must take a drink.

Otherwise, if no one has done the "never have I ever", the person that made the statement takes a drink. This part is optional, though.

The game usually ends when people start to get tipsy or too wild. It’s that easy.

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Points-Based Version (Non-Drinking)

Each person starts with 10 points (or however many points you decide).

Players take turns making statements that start with the phrase "Never have I ever" followed by something they have never done, like "never have I ever won a raffle or lottery".

If someone has done the “never have I ever”, like winning a raffle, then they lose a point.

However, if no one has done the “never have I ever”, then person who stated the “never have I ever” loses a point.

Once a person loses all of their points they are out. The last person standing wins!

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